Bonus Awards

Last call for Employer Loyalty Awards registration until 30 November – Register now!

Employer Loyalty Awards

Loyalty has long since become more than just a consumer issue. In the “war for talents” and the dynamics of New Work, it has become more important than ever for companies to build loyalty with future, new or existing employees by offering the right package of benefits. In 2023, we are therefore premiering two new expert categories: Employer Loyalty Rewards and Employer Loyalty Workation.

In the Rewards category, we will honor the best employer loyalty program in its entirety of benefits, the best supplier and the best innovation. In the area of Workation – as hybrid remote working at a destination other than the office and the home office and mixing it with vacation elements – we focus on an important benefit for employees and award prizes for the best Workation program of a company, the best destination for Workation and the best hotel that implements the Workation idea.

Both categories are open not only to service providers and suppliers, but also to companies from all sectors that position themselves as attractive employers with their employer loyalty program. Anyone who applies for one of the two categories can win in both.

We are pleased to be working exclusively with the Bleisure Traveller magazine in this new Employer Loyalty section. The German- and English-language business travel magazine has been addressing the topics of bleisure travel, remote work, and workation as important benefits in the context of employer loyalty programs for years. Here, business travelers report on their workation and bleisure trips to exciting destinations and hotels, and companies present their hybrid work and business travel concepts. Employer loyalty is already being practiced in many ways today – and we want to promote the best concepts together with you.

The Employer Loyalty Awards are supported and presented by the Bleisure Traveller magazine

Employer Loyalty Rewards

Best Program

Here, the best company program that is dedicated to employees is evaluated and awarded in its entirety.

Best Supplier

Here, the best supplier that offers companies solutions for their employer loyalty challenges is evaluated and awarded.

Best Innovation

Here, the best innovation in terms of rewards, benefits or holistic approaches is evaluated and awarded.

Employer Loyalty Workation

Best Program

Here, the best company workation offer directed at employees is evaluated and awarded in its entirety.

Best Destination

Here, the best workation destination is awarded. No matter if a single city, a region or a whole country.

Best Hotel

Here the best workation hotel is evaluated and awarded.

Procedure and TIMING


November 30, 2023

Contact us and register your company or program by November 30, 2023.


January 12, 2024

You will receive detailed information about the documents to be submitted for each subcategory after you register.


January 18, 2024

We will prepare the submitted documents and send them to you again for review. Corrections will be taken into account until January 18, 2024.



Here we go. The jury members are given two weeks to evaluate the submitted documents and vote in the respective categories.


February 12, 2024

The time has come. On February 12th the winners have been chosen and will be announced.

Loyalty meet-ups


In 2024, we will invite program and supplier representatives to four loyalty meet-ups for personal exchanges. With two impulse lectures each, we will delve into exciting loyalty insights and innovations together.

The kick-off will be in Berlin at the ITB. On this occasion we will also present some awards to the respective winners. The BENE loyalty scene also meets in Ghent in March.

We’ll see each other in Hamburg for the OMR and at the beginning of September we’ll meet in Munich for an exciting exchange.

GET in touch



Ulf-Gunnar Switalski


Leo Zenziper


Jonas Ziegler